Talk: Square Workflow: Android and iOS apps composed of state machines defining UI and navigation
My first droidcon! I co-presented with Ray Ryan to give an update on Square's architecture library, Workflow.
My first droidcon! I co-presented with Ray Ryan to give an update on Square's architecture library, Workflow.
This is a follow-up to my last snapshots talk, Opening the Shutter on Snapshots, and a companion to my article How derivedStateOf works: a deep d(er)ive. I've also written a bunch of articles on Compose state, check them out here. Slides: Deriving derived state: derivedStateOf explained
Compose's snapshot system is really neat, as I've talked and written about before. Once you know how it works, you can do some cool tricks with it, and derivedStateOf is a rich example of this. I recently gave a talk focused more on explaining the algorithms
Often when thinking about Jetpack Compose state, we think in terms of what code will be re-executed when that state changes. We call functions that get re-executed like this “restartable functions”. Composable functions are generally restartable, but some other functions are restartable too, and you can make your own. 📖This
About a week ago, I migrated my blog to a New blog site! As I explained in that post, I was previously posting on, and while it mostly worked fine to post the content, I did not like having my content live on a domain name and I